Rubber-dam isolation

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Certificate of completion


English, German


Advanced, Beginner, Medium


Isolation is crucial in everyday dental action. In recent years rubber dam isolation has been established as a standard of care for
endodontics. Newer studies show its great significance in both restorative and reconstructive dentistry. But at first sight the
use of rubber dam can be a quite intense experience. Dr. Loukas and his team can give you a simplified guide to ease your daily
business to a tremendous amount.

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Program Overview

This seminar will provide you all the necessary knowledgein order to be able to create with him shortcuts in getting an adequate level of excellence in
rubber dam isolation. Our goal is to introduce you to the materials, help you master the technique and deploy the right
strategy in every case.

What you can expect to manage successfully after this interactive course? Get prepared for:
• a material introduction as well as what to choose when
• cases, where secondary clamps need to get utilised, which ones and how
• step-by-step techniques as well as common mistakes and ways to overcome them
• the right selection of matrices in order to build up
• how to elevate deep margins (DME)



Rubber-dam isolation
Rubber-dam isolation
Dental Education
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